
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bring Also These Ten Cuts Of Cheese

These cheeses are from the Auvergne region of France. In France, a meal is not complete without eating cheese for dessert. It is often accompanied with fruit and bread. The French love cheese so much that there are thousands of cheese varieties. Each town and village, even many individual cheese makers, creating their own specialty.

Word-Filled Wednesday participants gather at The 160 Acre Woods.


  1. ahh i should have been french lol

  2. The BEST food on the planet as far as I'm concerned!!! Thanks for sharing...Happy July 4th~


  3. Wow - I don't recall ever seeing that verse before. Of course I'd never seen a Hot Beef Sundae before coming to your page either. You keep me curious! Thanks for sharing today!

  4. That was very interesting...what a wonderful WFW. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thank you for your visit to my blog and for your sweet comments. Cheese is one of our favorites. We think it belongs in its very own food category. It ranks right up there with chocolate, in my book!

  6. I would have never thought of using that verse for a photo of cheese. Wonderful! You are so creative. Very interesting post, too. Happy WFW!

  7. Wow.. cheese is one of my favorites. It doesn't matter what kind it is.. I'm there!

    Happy WFW!

  8. Interesting! That's a lot of cheese. :) Happy WFW!

  9. I love the variety of good things God blesses us with. Have a great week...

  10. oh yum, I loooove cheese! You have given me a craving now! Happy WFW!

  11. Lovely photo and verse. Thanks for sharing with us. Happy WFW!

  12. Lovely....sigh... France huh? :o)

    Interesting verse and lovely photo.

  13. What a yummy picture and verse...I know what I will have to have for supper now.....
    I adore cheese.
    We have a research institute here and they made a triple brie that won world awards and you could buy it at the factory shop. Alas they have closed the shop and I cannot find another one as good. A bit like finding our Lord......we can never find a comparison.

  14. Thank you, all. I am glad to see so many cheese lovers like me, and glad that you enjoyed this WFW post.

    OZJane: Triple cream is SO good. I also get spoiled each time I find some. An award-winning research institute with a cheese shop right in your own backyard must have been so wonderful. I can see why you would miss it!


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