
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Awarding Amanda For Her A-Z Kitchen Tips Series

There are millions of wonderful blogs written by good people who work very hard to give all of us wonderful information, entertainment or inspiration. It is impossible to read them all or award them all. From time to time I come across a blog post which just hits the mark so well, that I've wanted to let the person know how great it was. Comments are wonderful and all bloggers love them, a link is great too, but it gets buried in archives.

I want to go the extra step for those extra special posts, so I've created my very own award to give out to those I feel have an outstanding post, series, or idea.
Here's what it does for the recipients:
1. When I blog about it, they get a blog reaction in Technorati and other such services;
3. My sidebar is visible to search engine crawlers so when I list them in my sidebar as award-winners, it gives them another blog reaction and increases their PageRank and reputation;
2. When they put the award in their sidebar, it shows even brand new readers that they are special;
3. When they put the award on their winning post, it lets all those who drop by through search engines or who surf their archives that it is an extra-special, award-winning post;
4. When they blog about receiving the award, they validate their own readers by showing them that others value the blog too;
5. That in turn will bring them more awards, attention, traffic, and notoriety which they want or they would be writing in a private diary.

I don't plan on giving this award to every Joe or Jane Blogger because this award will be for extra special posts only.

This award is also not the kind created to fuel like wildfire through the Internet. Recipients won't have to give it out to 10 other bloggers, because it's not about me trying to raise my own Technorati rating. It's about me trying to recognize excellent bloggers one blog at a time.

It's also about letting my own readers know about a great post, which more often than not will come from a great blogger too.

I hope my readers will enjoy this new feature at Joy of Desserts.

I hope recipients will be happy to post about and display their awards and won't be hiding them.

Today I want to give The Joy Of Desserts Award to Amanda at Mrs. W's Kitchen for her A-Z Kitchen Tips series. She is going through the alphabet and her series caught my eye. She has all sorts of great new ideas and some great reminders too. I especially liked her "I is for ..." tips and reminders. While you are on her blog, linger a while to look through her archives. She has great recipes including some for diabetics and entertaining tidbits about her life.


  1. Joy that is a wonderful tribute you have built for Amanda. Thank you for bringing her to our attention so we can all stop by.

  2. Joy,

    You amaze me!!! You are truly special and I hope we can meet at Wally World sometime!


  3. Thanks, Tamy. This is the first award. There will be others, although I do plan to keep them special and not distribute this award wily nilly. But it is created to be given out.

  4. Oh my goodness, Joy! Saying that I'm honored isn't enough. What a treasure!

  5. Thank you, Grace. Your blog is so encouraging too. I do hope we will get to meet sometime.

    Amanda: I'm glad you like it. Now keep up the great work! :-)

  6. Well deserved Joy!! I like so Amanda's blog. Gloria


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