
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Make Milk Your Faith And God Your Honey

I often see everyday life through Bible-colored glasses. Today's Word-Filled Wednesday shows you one of the many Bible verses I think of when I go into my kitchen, the land where I find milk and honey.


  1. Bonsoir Joy.
    Ton blog est si beau que tu merites tous ces prix. J'en ai plusieur recettes des glces pour ton event. A bientôt. Mais si je suis en voyage le 18 juillet comme est ce que je peu laisser tous mes recettes et les liens. Je peux les laisser une autre jour. Plus ou moins j'aurai cinq post avec glaces que je suis en train de faire dans mon blog.
    J'attends ton réponse. Merci et à bientôt

  2. Thank you, both.

    Tartasacher, si tu pars en vacances, envoie-moi par e-mail les liens de tes recettes avant de partir. Je les ajouterai pour toi de facon que les autres puissent venir voir tes recettes. Mon e-mail est dans mon profile de Blogger.

  3. Merci bien Joy par ta réponse. Je prends ton e-mail. Tu es vraiment magnifique ma cherie amie. Merci beaucoup et à bientôt.

  4. i love it! and re my baking blog, i'll be back it again shortly, everything just seems to be eating my time right now!!

  5. Amy,
    I'm glad you haven't decided to quit that blog. I completely understand about time demands as it happens to me too. Take care.

  6. Love it!! Does the creamer go "Mooo" when you turn it over??


  7. Perfect! I just love this. Thank you for sharing. = )

  8. That was just so adorable!! I love how you look at life with bible-filled glasses and Praise God, we all should!!

    *Hugs* Miss coming by your blog lately!

  9. Cute photo for this verse. I love it when God lays things on our hearts like that. Happy WFW!

  10. Creatively spirit-filled! Love it.

  11. Great stuff! Love your blog. (Especially that quote by Erma Bombeck. She's hilarious!)

  12. Great WFW post! I love the phrase you used about seeing the day thru "Bible colored glasses". I'm going to remember that and try to do the same.

    Happy WFW!

  13. Very cute photo - and I too enjoy your thought on using "bible filled glasses". Wise words!

  14. Joy,
    Thank you for your sweet comments! You have a wonderful blog and a fantastic Word for today.


  15. What a great way to stay focused on the Word. I may never look at my honey or milk the same! ;-)

  16. Cute picture and great verse! That's neat to see life through Bible colored glasses. I recently finished a book called "Honey for a Child's Heart." Your post reminded me of this well-written book.

  17. Grace: No, it does not, but I've seen those too. This all white, plain ceramic one reminds be of a very dear, and dearly missed, family friend from when I was a teenager. Our Lord wanted her company when she was still quite young. She was full of life, fun, song and love.

    Twinkle Mom: Thanks. That's because you've been on vacation and I can't wait to read about your New York adventures. :-)

    Laurie Ann: Yes, me too. God does lay things on our hearts and give us light bulb moments if only we will quietly listen.

    Tanja: Thank you. I love Erma Bombeck's humor. I like quotes too -- and verses. :-)

  18. Fun image and great verse. Blessings...

  19. Melanie, Momma, Sharron & Rose: Thank you. You'll find that Bible-colored glasses are even better than rose-colored glasses. Life looks so much better when seen through God's word. :-)

    Kristi: You are so welcome. :-) I look forward to more of your blog posts.

    Rose: Try Honey For A Woman's Heart. It is also a great book. There are several others in the series too.

    All: Thank you all for such nice comments. I am so glad this WFW spoke to each one of you. Blessings to all of you. :-)

  20. I swear I ALMOST chose this verse...I found the neatest photo of a honeycomb....I'm thinking that it's something I need to hear again...hmmmmm....

    I loved it...and I stayed awhile and looked around...all I can say is YUM...I always seem to stay a little longer here!:)


  21. Oh - love that photo with the verse. How neat that when you see those, you think of that verse. :) Thanks for visiting Six Short of a Dozen. :)

  22. Those are way cute! They go perfectly with that verse.


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