
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Eleven Ice, Sherbet, Parfait, Sundae Recipes to keep cool

It's been hot. These easy frozen dessert recipes will cool you down in no time. There are ices, sherbets, sundaes, a baked Alaska, and a parfait. Perfect for the summer. Perfect for year-round deliciousness.

Strawberry Parfait

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  1. Now I really want something cold and sweet!

  2. Yes Joy, I LOVE what I see on your blog..but I shouldn't EAT it. LoL!

    Thanks so much for joining my tea party yesterday! Gee..I will have to at least have one dessert a week.

    Donna @ Comin' Home

  3. We love your blog as you know!!! Always something terrific. All of these are such great choices. They look refreshing and wonderful. Perfect for out 100 degree weather.


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