
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Award: The Versatile Blogger from Annamaria

I've received another award. This one is The Versatile Blogger from Annamaria who blogs at It's In There. She is an artist, crafter, blogger, baker, cook and foodie. There's lots to like on her blog, so go check it out for yourself.

Thank you, Annamaria. I always appreciate nice gestures like awards and friendly comments. There are millions of blogs out there, and I feel privileged that a fellow blogger would pick mine. When passing on awards I only choose ones I truly like even if the bloggers have specifically stated that they do not post awards, because I take a positive view. I don't view it as being about link backs, but about encouraging each other. I hope you do too.

The rules for the Versatile Blogger Award are:
1. Thank the blogger who awarded you and link back to them;
2. Share 7 things about yourself;
3. Pass the award along to 15 other newly discovered blogs.

So here are the 7 things you may not know about me:
  1. I love Pinterest;
  2. I'm a very visual person;
  3. I'm an artist;
  4. I've traveled all over Europe and the U.S.;
  5. I'm an avid reader;
  6. I'm thankful for my family;
  7. I love to blog.

My Versatile Blogger Award goes to:
Follow Me on Pinterest


  1. Oh wow..thank you so much for the award!! I tell you, everytime I drop by here..I leave craving dessert!! LOL

  2. Sunflower Faith: :-) Always happy when you stop by. Have a great day. Enjoy the award.

  3. Congrats. You deserve it. We love you and your blog!!!

  4. Thank you so much! :) As soon as this move is over I'll pass it on.

  5. That is so sweet. Thank you so much! It made my night.

  6. Thanks so much Joy! So sweet of you to think of me :)

  7. Thank you for the award~! I am not surprised at all that you are an artist - it fits :-)

  8. I'm following you on Pinterest now! Thanks for the award and the list of other blogs to check out, as well. I've got some Vintage Recipe Thursdays planned for November. So excited!

  9. At Last I found it!..gosh I am so dumb to not to visit your old post at once! Guess my almost a month of absence has got to with it...crazy!I always like you Joy..for being down to earth,kind and truthfully the fact that you have a great site.Thank you very much for the award...Cheers!


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