
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Eat With Joy, Drink With Cheer

Photo by imapix in Flickr public files; Graphics by Joy Of Desserts

Happy Word-Filled Wednesday to all! I have a giveaway this week, so be sure to click on the link to find out what you could win! There will be 5 winners. I have also started a new meme in celebration of my 100th post. It's fun, it's sweet and you don't even need a food blog to participate, just a sweet tooth. :-) I hope you'll join me with 100 For The Sweet Tooth. While we are on the topic of announcements, let me remind you that the Need To Kneed Bread Roundup Tamy and I are hosting is coming up in less than one month and all are invited to participate.

For more Word-Filled Wednesday participants, visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods.

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  1. There are a few verses in the Bible that make me want to jump up immediately and follow his direction. This is certainly one of them!! Ha! Thanks for sharing today.

  2. I love this verse. :) What a great photo. It makes me want to be there.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. Oh, I love it! Wonderful Scripture and beautiful picture! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Great scripture! Thanks for sharing.

    Happy WFW!

  5. Isn't it wonderful to have a Lord and Savior that wants us to enjoy the bounty of all He has given us?! Great picture and verse :)

  6. I really like this verse! Great photo, too! Thanks for visiting my blog. My, you have a busy blog right now. I'm heading to the giveaway post. :D

  7. I know I'm late!
    This is a great verse and looks delicious! I love how you always combine WFW with food! It gives a lot of things new meaning (to me!)

    God Bless!

  8. I love this photo and scripture Joy! It's been a crazy season for me, and I've enjoyed browsing your blog tonight.



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