
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Bread Roundup, Meme, Giveaway! You're Invited!

You're Invited!!
  • Lots of fun coming this way at the Joy of Desserts blog. You are all invited to the Bread Roundup Tamy and I are hosting on October 15, 2008. We are looking for all kinds of breads, both sweet and savory and we look forward to your participation. Click on the link for details on the Bread Roundup. Special thanks to Mere for posting about our roundup in this week's Scrumptious Sunday BREAD edition!

  • Today, I'm also celebrating my 100th post with a sweet and fun new meme, so be sure to scroll down or to click on the link.

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  1. O..once I clicked on this blog and saw so many desserts..I just can't stop my saliva drooping...I love dessert too...

    I love to post some in my blog for kids.

  2. What a totally awesome blog. Thank you for visiting my blog. I will be back, you have so much going on; visiting your blog is like going to a party!
    Phils Grill


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