
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Four Awards In Four Days, And A Tag Too

Wow! You are all so kind and generous with the awards and tags you are giving me. I am SO appreciative! You are the best blog readers anyone could possibly want and I am so glad I have been able to provide you with something you enjoy so much.

I Love You All This Much!

You All Make My Day!

I Think You're Tops!

I'm So Glad To Have Such EXCELLENT Readers!

These are all wonderful awards and I thank you for thinking of me!

Twinkle Mom at Sunflower Faith gave me the beautiful You Make My Day Award and my third Excellent Award. I love seeing Twinkle Mom stop by here and even when I'm on somebody else's blog, I always read her comments because she has very good ideas and is very encouraging. If you like Christian blogs, hers is a must read. You'll learn a lot too. She has an incredible post about Christianity and Oprah Winfrey so don't miss it!

Kathy at 4urpets and The Empty Nest gave me the I Love You This Much Award. It's fairly new in the blogosphere and I think it's a very cute award, don't you? Kathy's pet blog is all about her three Chihuahuas and pet humor. Her other blog is all about her own life and memories. Kathy will make you laugh. Go see why she put a Poinsettia plant and a towel on her head, or check out the dog fashions my son knitted at school. He was supposed to knit a bookmark, but he thought Chihuahua scarves and head wraps would be much more practical.

Tartasacher at Mil Postres (Sacher Cake at Thousand Desserts) gave me the Premio Arte Y Pico Primavera Award. I know you like desserts and you'll like her blog too! Now it is in Spanish, but fear not if you can't read Spanish. Just do what I do and use the Alta Vista Babel Fish Translator located right on her site. It translates fairly well and you'll be able to understand almost everything. Besides, pictures are worth a thousand words in any language. You can comment in Spanish or French and she knows a little bit of English too!

Gloria at Canela's Kitchen tagged me for another Six Word Memoir. Her blog is bilingual with both English and Spanish. I discovered Tartasacher thanks to her and you might want to visit the people in her blogroll because she has excellent picks. Her blog as I mentioned in a previous post is excellent as well. She is high on my reading list.

So now I have the very difficult task of awarding 40 blog awards and 5 tags!!! And that's after I've already awarded a previous 40 blog awards and 5 tags!! I'm in Blog Heaven, because I think it is wonderful to be able to make so many people happy and to be able to recommend so many wonderful blogs to all of you. I take this task seriously and don't want to send you to less than excellent blogs just because I have the joy of receiving so many awards in so short a time. I also want to make sure you are not going to be overwhelmed with too many other blogs to visit all on the same day, so for both your sake and mine, I will spread out my blog love over the next several days. I do hope you will not just read my posts, but that you will actually go visit these wonderful people to see if they blogs are your cup of tea.

Here are the 5 people I am tagging, so that gives you 7 blogs to visit today in addition to all the others on your blogreaders! You didn't have anything else to do today, right? :-)

Tag! You're It!
~ Mercedes AKA Meridith at Mercedes Rules loves to participate in memes or carnivals. She has even created two of her own. I participate in her Scrumptious Sunday whenever it is a dessert edition.

~ Beloved Mama has a great Christian blog with a really cool banner head and blog theme. She's even having a giveaway this week just for all of us! She's very friendly and prayerful.

~ Grace at Grace Today also has a Christian blog. Take a look at her blogroll. I've found several good blogs there to add to my reader.

~ Faith, Love, Hope is a Christian Mommy blog. She posts about her whole family and you should see her gorgeous 91-year old great-great-grandma! She has a picture of 5 generations of women in her beautiful family.

~ Amy Deanne of The 160 Acre Woods just started a new food blog called The Dutch Oven. She is also one of the contributing writers at The PMS Club. All three are worth your time.

The rules for the tag are to tag at least 5 more people via a comment on their blog and a post on yours with a link to the person who tagged you too. Once you've posted, you let the person who tagged you know about it.

And now to add to this long post, here is MY SIX-WORD MEMOIR. If you want to see my first 6-word memoir, click here.
  1. Fun
  2. Prayerful
  3. Thinking
  4. Loving
  5. Compassionate
  6. Reader
In the words of Porky Pig, ... That's All Folks!


  1. Joy, je vous remerciez vos mots sur mon blog et sur moi. Vous etes tres agreable. Â bientôt

  2. Wow, 4 in 4 and a tag too. You are amazing! I don't know if I could handle that many. Congratulations!

  3. So nice, Joy, so nice thanks by your lovely words! xGloria

  4. Thanks for the tag. I didn't know you read my blog-how fun!! Yes, I love my grandma. She's so darn cute. We are blessed to have so many generations in my family. I love your blog and will stop back to pick up more good tidbits. :)

  5. i'll have to think about how i'm going to do mine!
    fun! :)

  6. so cool...thanks for tagging me...give me a moment and I'll play along :o)


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