
Thursday, November 3, 2011

15 Delicious Dessert Sauces: Part Three

Click here for Part One of the 15 Delicious Dessert Sauces.
Click here for Part Two of the 15 Delicious Dessert Sauces.

1943 Household Searchlight Recipe Book
I'm sharing with you the next 5 delicious dessert sauces in the series from my Household Searchlight Recipe Book.

One of them was created by Florence Taft Eaton. You may not know her by name, but you know at least one of her recipes. It's famous. It's an American tradition. Each Thanksgiving when you prepare and eat sweet potatoes with marshmallows, think of Florence. She is credited for creating the original version of this very famous, vintage recipe for Good Housekeeping in the 1920s. She called her dish Sweet Potatoes de Luxe.

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Cranberry Sauce
1/2 cup cranberries
1 1/4 cups powdered sugar
1 tablespoon butter
Wash cranberries. Remove stems. Cover closely. Simmer slowly until tender. Rub through sieve. Cream butter. Add cranberry puree and sugar alternately. Beat until smooth. Chill. Grace Viall Gray, Glen Ellyn, Ill.

Yellow Sauce
2 eggs, well beaten
1 cup powdered sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon salt
Combine eggs, sugar, and salt. Beat until well blended. Add vanilla. Blend thoroughly. Grace Viall Gray, Glen Ellyn, Ill.

Lemon Molasses Sauce
1 cup molasses
1/2 cup lemon juice
2 tablespoons butter
Heat molasses to boiling, stirring constantly. Add butter. Boil 1 minute. Add lemon juice. Mix thoroughly. Serve with steamed fruit pudding. Elizabeth Shaffer, Albuquerque, N. M.

Snowy Sauce
1/2 cup butter
Few grains of salt
1 cup powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
Sift sugar. Cream butter. Add sugar slowly, beating constantly. Add salt. Continue beating until smooth and fluffy. Pile in dish. Sprinkle with nutmeg. Chill. Serve with hot steamed puddings or mince pie. 8 servings. Florence Taft Eaton, Concord, Mass.

Caramel Sauce
2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup boiling water
Caramelize sugar, stirring constantly, until golden brown. Add water. Cook 3 minutes. Serve with baked or steamed puddings. Grace Viall Gray, Glen Ellyn, Ill.

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  1. I just linked up some recipes I've adapted from a 1957 diet cookbook I found recently. I'm glad to be back at Vintage Recipe Thursday! :-)

    Love this dessert sauces feature and the Household Searchlight photos--my edition doesn't have any!

  2. Lauren: So glad you found this great Slenderella cookbook, Lauren.
    This photo is from the front endpapers of the Household Searchlight. There is a different photo for the back endpapers, but no photos inside in my edition either.

  3. I don't know which one to try first. They sound so good. Thanks for doing this post.


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