
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Easy grape juice custard recipe or favorite juice custard

Welcome back to Vintage Recipe Thursday! Sometimes we need a quick and tasty recipe to serve just one person. It might be a quick snack for ourselves, or it might be for a child. This is exactly what I found in my vintage cookbook, and it can easily be doubled too. The grape juice made me think of back-to-school. It's a favorite of many children. Feel free to use just about any kind of juice. I think a coconut custard would be quite tasty. Other good choices would be cherry, apricot, apple, or peach.

1885 Victorian Breakfast and Luncheon Menu Suggestions Lithograph To Frame 
Grape Juice Custard Recipe
2 egg yolks, slightly beaten
2 Tablespoons grape juice
1 1/2 teaspoons powdered sugar
Combine egg yolks and sugar. Add grape juice. Cook over hot water, beating constantly, until light and fluffy. Serve at once. 1 serving.

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  1. Hi Joy! Hope you are having a good week! I've linked up my Baked Apples. Enjoy!

  2. I have never heard of this. It sounds delicious. Nothing to link up, but we have a wonderful apple salad recipe today. I am going to have to dig through my vintage file so I can come to the party!

  3. Carolinaheartstrings: :-) I'm on my way to your blog to see that apple salad. Thank you for looking for vintage recipes to join in.

  4. Hi Joy! Thanks for remembering me and stopping by. I've never seen a juice custard recipe, but I'm willing to try it. Next time I'll remember to link with the name of my recipe so none of your readers will want to cook wrens...

  5. Dear Joy,
    Grape juice is my favorite! This recipe sounds delicious! Thank you for hosting and helping to preserve the delightful recipes of yesteryear!
    I love to come and visit my friend!


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