
Monday, July 11, 2011

Mmm ... Your desserts are awesome; Come link up each Monday

Monday, Mmm ... Dessert.  :-)  It's time to link up your dessert recipes, but first I want to highlight a few  posts from our last dessert recipe linky party.

Trish at Sweetology 101 has a great post with historical anecdotes, facts, beautiful pictures, delicious recipes and Anne Boleyn as the guest of honor.  You don't want to miss it, so be sure to hop over there if you haven't yet seen her Maids of Honor Cakes.

Care's Cracked Earth mini cakes make me think of chocolate souffles.  They puff up. Go take a look at From Which Things Grow.

Lark of Lark's Country Heart tells us she has perfected this chocolate cobbler, so go check it out.

Lisette of Fancy Frugalista shared her Strawberry Shortcake Popsicles Recipe.  She says everyone wanted seconds.

Do you like what you see on this blog?


  1. Hi Joy! Thank you so much for featuring our Cracked Earth Cakes! A true honor! This week I am linking up our Mango Lassi Ice pops. Thank you for hosting and thanks again for the feature, you're too sweet :) - Cares

  2. Hi Joy - I also linked our Butterbeer recipes! Enjoy! - Cares

  3. Thank you for the FEATURE!!!!!!!!!!! I came over to link up and had a GREAT Monday surprise..yeehaw.

  4. Thanks for the "shout out"...And I hope you try out the Chocolate Cinnamon Cobbler soon! :)

  5. Thanks for hosting...of course I never met a dessert I didn't like so I'm anxious to check these all out. They all look delicious!


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