
Monday, July 25, 2011

Dessert Recipe Linky Party: Monday, Mmm ... Dessert

Happy Monday! Time to link up your dessert recipes.

Grab this code for the Joy of Desserts button:

Did you like Cares' butterbeers last week? Well, Julie, The Farm Girl, made butterbeer cupcakes. And to stay on the Harry Potter theme, Cares at From Which Things Grow, made a chocolate whiskey cake or Firewhiskey cake to celebrate Voldemort's demise. Light has conquered darkness. You might be sad that the movie series is over, but as Albus Dumbledore said, "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." So have a Deathly Hallows Party and be happy. :-)

These other desserts might also tickle your fancy:

What will YOU be sharing this week?

Do you like what you see on this blog?


  1. Thanks so much for hosting; I love checking out all the new recipes :)

  2. Wow--thanks for the shout out! I appreciate it and thanks for all your sweet comments!

    The Farm Girl

  3. You're making me hungry! Is it almost teatime? :-) I need to make some of those coconut butterscotch cookies--two of my favorite flavors together!

  4. Thanks for your visit! Following you now as well ;)

  5. holy moly...all the features look so good, where does one start? YUM!!!

  6. Thank you so much for the feature! It brightened my night. :)

    I linked up again this week with my husband's birthday cake: chocolate with peanut butter filling. Thanks for hosting!

  7. Wow all the choices look so good. Who could pick a fav! Yum.

  8. Dear Joy,

    Thank you so much for featuring my Coconut Butterscotch Cookies on your site this week! We are currently enjoying a batch this week and they truly are wonderful! I look forward to the weekly recipes and WW posts each week, and am now following you on Twitter as well!


  9. Hi Joy, I'm a few days late, but just getting back from traveling to visit family put me behind in blog hopping and commenting. I just LOVE the apple pie that you featured. Going to check out all of the entries this week; thanks for hosting!


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