
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Pomegranate Blossoms Have Bloomed Into Fruit

You can see here the different stages of the pomegranate blossoms. I took this photo at Sunset Magazine's Gardens in Menlo Park, California. I have pomegranate health facts and a bit of history on the following post too. Just click on the link.
For more participants in Word-Filled Wednesday, be sure to visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods.

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  1. Beautiful photo to match the verse. Great work! Praise God for the beauties of His creations. Thanks for sharing with us. Happy WFW!

  2. I didn't know that they looked like that. They are so beautiful. Blessings to you.

  3. Hi Joy!

    Love your new profile photo! mmmmmm....

    Yes, we are thrilled with our news here in Sunny. She's adorable and we're so proud of JJ. God is good!


  4. One of the best things I love about this image is just the image of walking through the trees...lifting up to feel the brush of orchids along the tips of the fingertips all the while reflecting on God's word.

    Wonderful WFW post!

  5. Perfect verse for a perfect picture! Thank you so much for sharing. Happy WFW!

  6. My people LOVE pomegranates...they LOVE those little seeds...great verse and I'm going to take them to see the stages too!!

    One of my faves to visit on WFW....
    it's not just desserts!!:)

    thanks for the blessing!

  7. Gorgeous! Being from the midwest, I've never seen pomegranate blossoms...They are quite beautiful. What a perfect scripture!


  8. Beautiful! Love the picture. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Thank you, all!

    Grace: She is lovely and seems nice too. I'm so glad God is good to you and your family. :-)

    Twinkle Mom: That's it! You got it exactly as it happened. I'm tickled that the message and feeling came through across the photo and blog post. Thanks!

    Lori: Your people love a good thing. Not only do pomegranates taste great, but they are also quite healthy for us. I'm glad you appreciate my efforts to make this dessert blog more than just a list of recipes.

  10. What an great photo. When you think about it, isn't it so amazing all the things that are at our fingertips. Our God has made such a beautiful world for us.

    Have a great day!

  11. what a neat photo! I always enjoy your WFW are so creative :o)

  12. I LOVE pomegranates! I'm Korean and grew up eating them ALL the time! I'll definitely will be clicking on your links re: the health benefits of pomegranates!

    I'm constantly in awe of how God made such good things for us to eat to help us stay healthy...and He didn't have to, but He made them taste good too! Our God is awesome!

  13. What a neat verse! We like to drink pomegranate juice. Very healthy!

  14. Great idea for a post! I liked this one, now I'm drooling about pomegranates. :)

  15. Love the pomegranate. It is one tree I still have to purchase.


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