
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thank You! Thank You! Two More Awards!

Thank you, Tarta Sacher of Mil Postres for giving me another great award. I do a lot of walking and I also visit blog friends from all over the world, so this award feels just perfect.

I pass it on to the following blog friends:
and to a brand new discovery I made just today thanks to a comment this blogger left on Mil Postres. This blog is in French, but you'll like it even if you can't read French because it has lots of beautiful photos of flowers and of her recipes.
Here's the rules to this award:
  1. Post about this award
  2. Link to me
  3. Give the award to 5 more bloggers
  4. Post these rules
I hope you all accept awards and know the great benefits for your own blog.

And also from Tarta Sacher of Mil Postres is this award for ALL OF US for our blogging efforts. She generously gave this award to all of her readers and I am in turn giving it to all of my readers. Aren't you glad you read all the way down to here?

So go ahead and grab the award!
It is for YOU!! Enjoy!


  1. How nice, it's time for me to pass this award, merci de l'honneur!!

  2. Je fouine sur votre blog... Thanks again!!

  3. Well merci beaucoup et plus de beaucoups... I hope I spelled that correctly! You truly are a most generous friend. You made my evening! :)

  4. Many Thanks Joy, you are really so nice!!!! xxGloria

  5. Thank you so much Joy!!! I am especially excited because it is in French and from you!!
    (When I rebooted my computer yesterday, I could comment on Blogger blogs?????)

  6. Blog Encore: De rien! Je suis contente d'avoir decouvert votre blog. :-)

    Grace: I'm so glad it brought you a bit of warmth. Your blog and your comments are so encouraging, it's good to share an award with you so that it is your turn to be encouraged.

    Gloria & Gina: You are so welcome. I'm sorry to disappoint you, Gina. The awards are in Spanish, but you give me a great idea. I've been meaning to create my own award and you just gave me the idea to make it bilingual, in English and French. Thanks! But it's still from me, and I AM French! :-)

    Thank you, Tamy!

  7. Joy, Congratulations and the "Ice Cream" roundup...oh goodness...I'm drooling and I have yet to read the recipes yet!


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