
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Beef! It's What's For ... Dessert??!!??

Here's the official Hot Beef Sundae recipe from the Beef: It's What's For Dinner folks.

Now I think the good beef folks should get together with the good folks of Gilroy, California and add a scoop or two of garlic ice cream to their Hot Beef Sundae, and THEN they could really call it a sundae! They can send all the royalties for the new recipe right here to me. ;-)

If you haven't tried or even heard of a good scoop of Stinking Rose or Garlic Ice Cream, it is a lot like very cold and creamy horseradish, without too much sting, and would go very well with meats. Most people eat it for dessert after a very garlicky meal though. The Gilroy Garlic Festival is celebrating its 30th anniversary this July 25-27. Gilroy is the world's garlic capital and in season you can smell that lovely Stinking Rose for miles.

Now if you are looking for more beef recipes, and I'm pretty sure I can promise you won't find any other desserts, go visit Mercedes' Scrumptious Sunday Beef Edition.

My previous Scrumptious Sunday Desserts:
Noodles For Dessert With Applesauce Kugel
Cream Cheese & Lemon Flan Is Gourmet Fast Food
Fruity Drinks For A Scrumptious Sunday
Buñuelos -- Traditional Mexican Fiesta Dessert

This Takes The Cake!
A Mother's Day Video
Fruit Pies -- It's Mostly In The Presentation
A Centered, Peaceful, Sweet, But Not Fake, Oatmeal Raisin Cookie
It's Party Time! Let's Have Strawberry Cream Pie!


  1. As much as I enjoy beef, I'm not sure about dessert! I will miss the garlic festival though! Hope all the smoke clears out by then.

  2. Tamy, I sure would not eat that beef sundae for dessert either, but I thought it was interesting and odd and I ran across it at just the perfect time for the Scrumptious Sunday Beef Edition and it tied in with the garlic festival. All the stars were aligned. ;-) I would definitely prefer a traditional and sweet dessert.

  3. Fun! I first thought it was mashed potatoes on top just looking like a sundae.

  4. I love this recipe-not sure if it would be for my real dessert-lol! Jedd will love it too! Love the video-and what he says about KFC-lol! I believe his is better!

    I am a little late getting over here~I had a very busy weekend. Feel free to go back to Scrumptious Sunday to visit any late posters that might have posted after you did.

    Thank you for visiting my Impossible Cheeseburger Pie!

    I forgot to post this at Scrumptious Sunday: I will be going out of town (Vacation-woohoo) Sunday, June 6, 2008. I will be back that following Saturday, June 12, 2008. I might be late visiting your post. For new Scrumptious Sunday players: I hope to have a blog friend help with my blog-approving comments in moderation.

    Thank you so much for participating in Scrumptious Sunday!


  5. I just realized I put the wrong dates for vacation-lol! I will be gone Sunday, July 6 - Saturday, July 12. Oopsie!


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