
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Life Gives Lemons; I Make More Than Lemonade

Life gave me lemons and I'm making a whole lot more than just lemonade. Lemons are so versatile and can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. I'm getting started by giving you a few facts -- well it's Thursday so -- I'm giving you 13 facts, but who's counting? The good folks at Thursday Thirteen have lots of reading material with hundreds of participants.

  1. Meyer lemons were discovered in 1908 by Frank Meyer.
  2. They are believed to be a mix between lemons and either oranges or mandarins.
  3. If you gently roll a lemon on your counter, it will give you more juice.
  4. Lemons are an excellent source of ascorbic acid which prevents scurvy.
  5. Use lemon juice as a flavoring to reduce the need for salt.
  6. Lemon trees can produce fruit year round.
  7. A healthy, adult tree can produce 500-600 pounds of lemons each year.
  8. Lemon groves were planted in California when the 49ers were willing to pay large sums of money for lemons to prevent scurvy while working in the gold mines.
  9. The high levels of Vitamin C found in lemons and other citrus fruits have been shown to prevent cancers, especially colon, stomach, mouth and larynx by neutralizing free radicals.
  10. Lemons are high in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, calcium, potassium, copper, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, iron and magnesium.
  11. Lemons can help in losing weight and should be used minimally if attempting to gain weight.
  12. According to research presented at the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, the inability to identify the smell of lemons is one of the predictors of Alzheimer's disease.
  13. According to that research a "ten smell odor identification system" which includes the lemon has been found to be a better predictor of the disease than the brain and memory imaging tests used as the standard.

Now here's a fun video to help wish you a Happy Thursday!
Some of the cute faces she makes remind me of Shirley Temple.


  1. I learned about lemons and saw a sweet video. Thanks for sharing. But I believe Ron White said when life gives you lemons, find the guy life gave Vodka to and have a party.

    After a two week absence, I return with my Thursday Thirteen edition #79. It is another Mystery iPod Artist Contest. Stop by if you get a chance.

  2. lol! cool and cute reaction... thanks for dropping by..

  3. Great stuff. You know your tartness in and out. Love the video ::I'm puckering::

    LOVE lemons.

    Welcome to T13

    Mine's shared...C U THERE!!

  4. Great list, I love learning something new! I am up too.

  5. Lemons help lose weight? How?

    I LOVE the way they smell. I wonder if I can find lemon-scented soy candles anywhere...

  6. thanx for stopping inn :) Lemonade ...almost the season.. if it ever stops snowing

    blessings and happy TT
    gp in montana

  7. I add water to my nasty tap-water to make it drinkable...and they say that adding lemon to your water makes you drink more...

  8. I've heard that factoid about rolling lemons on the counter before slicing before but have never tried it - great tip! I have never heard of lemons being used for weight loss - how interesting!

    Thanks for visiting me!! Happy Thursday!

  9. very interesting about the alzheimer's! I like lemons too, guess I'd best be eating more of them!

  10. Oh I didn't know all that about lemons, very interesting list !

  11. Susan & Tiffany: Lemons dissolve fats. They work quite well. In addition to reading about research which has been done, I have an anecdotal experience. My mom knew a man in the 40s and 50s who had always been fat, but he started eating one lemon after each meal. He became slim and always maintained his new weight. He did not alter his eating or exercise.

  12. I salivated through this post...lemons made me (just by that word lemon)! Happy TT.

  13. Joy, j'aime bien les glaces. Merci par tes visites et tes commentaires toujours agreables. Je fait les glaces tout simplement par ce que je n'ai pas de glacier. Je pense que aux Etats Unis est plus normal avoir cet apareil, mais ici sont bien cher si sont bons. Si non mieux ne pas avoir et les faire comme moi. Merci et à bietôt.

    Delicious lemonade, very lovely
    Best and whises, Joy

  14. Oh WoW is she cute! Love the lemon lesson. I especially love Lemonheads candy! LOL - Happy TT.

  15. I do the rolling trick too. Microwaving a lemon for a few seconds can also get you more juice.


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