
Monday, May 12, 2008

It's National Wear Your Apron Day

It's a little known fact that in the United States, the first Monday after mother's day is National Wear Your Apron Day. I have fond memories of wearing aprons when I was a child, both at school and at home. I had many styles similar to the one worn by the little girl in the picture above and some with long sleeves. Some were longer and looked more like a pretty dress.

Aprons are making a comeback. Some are even falling in love with vintage aprons all over again.

Do you like aprons? Do you wear aprons?

I have several, but my favorites are a man's blue check I had given my dad for when he barbecued and a pink one with "I love my mommy" which my newborn son gave to me when he took his paternal Gran Dee by the hand and went shopping for my very first mother's day gift. There's also a gold lame for Christmas or special occasions with matching oven mitts, also given to me by my mother-in-law.

The more I wear my aprons, the more I like them and it makes me wonder why they ever went out of style.

I'm curious to know what you think about aprons and whether you wear them. ;-) Does it work for you? Leave me a comment and/or vote with my informal poll. It's at the top of the page just below the Erma Bombeck quote.


  1. Hi Joy! I tried to vote for only on special occasions, but I'm not sure it went through...
    I received a couple of aprons for wedding gifts that are in pristine condition. I inheirited a few more, and they're quite vintage. I think the thing stopping me from wearing aprons more is the dreaded thought that I might be looked upon as one who cooks....

  2. We could put on our blogging aprons LOL ;-)

    When we went to school in Paris both girls and boys wore aprons. The boys' styles usually looked more like a jacket.

  3. Hello Joy

    Hi again...I have a surprise for you awaiting at my blog..

  4. You know...I love's a secret, nobody knows but I guess I'm outed now, thing that I love...hmmm...friend has a sewing machine..I think I may ask her to make me one now! Lol

  5. I have two cute flowery half-size aprons that I bought on a whim--one from a garage sale and the other from a consignment shop. I enjoy them both, but often don't think to put them on! So I only wear them once in a while, when I think of it. They make me feel purty!

  6. Joy, I wear aprons. That's a given! I'm hosting a $50 vintage apron giveaway at my blog. Come on by.

    Confessions of an Apron Queen:

  7. I love aprons! I have a few different styles and types, and I love them all. Next on my to do list is to actually *make* an apron!

  8. I love aprons! It's partly out of necessity--I'm a bit of a slob. I can't help it--I'm always spilling things. But it's mostly 'cause I like any excuse to buy new fabric and aprons don't take that much. And I can get girly even in jeans, LOL!
    BTW, my daughter calls me "Suzy Homemaker" when I'm wearing my frillier ones. I take that as a compliment!
    PS--I'm doing a 400th post giveaway at my blog if you'd like to visit!

  9. Tartasacher and Grace: Thank you so much. I'm on my way to your blogs to see what fun surprises you both have for me. :-) You two always find a way to make my day. Thanks!

    Twinkle mom: That would be an extra special apron with warm fuzzy feelings because it's made by a friend. I hope she'll make it for you. :-)

    Amanda: I'm like you, I just forget now that I'm not used to it anymore. But I really enjoy wearing them, so I think I'll come up with a solution. My grandmother used to hang hers on the side of her armoire pantry in the kitchen. Couldn't miss it, yet it wasn't too prominent either.

  10. Angie: I was just at the fabric store yesterday, and what did I see? A whole rack of apron patterns and lots of pretty and appropriate fabric right next to it. Someone in that store either knew about Wear Your Apron Day or aprons are coming back into style indeed! I've never made my own, but that rack sure got me thinking.

  11. I love them but I have very ugly old aprons so I don't wear them unless really needed. I used to wear them regularly and my clothes stayed cleaner a lot longer back then.

    I need new aprons.

  12. I enjoyed your post on aprons! I secretly adore aprons. Nobody knows (until now) because I was sure they'd think I was nuts (which I am). I used to occasionally wear around an old man's bbq apron with cigars all over it - until it cracked my mother-in-law's ability to see straight, so she bought me one with chickens on it. And an oven mitt to match. And towels. Good thing I like chickens. And Aprons.


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