
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This Blog Is Rated E For Excellent!!!

I've received an another award, and it is EXCELLENT! Thank you Empty Nest!! This award requires that we show our appreciation by giving it to 10 other blogs we deem EXCELLENT. I love giving out awards! It's so much fun. It makes people happy and I get to discover their bloggy friends too. So I will be looking through my new blog reader and through my comments, and soon I will let you know who the winners of this EXCELLENT rating award are. I will pick only food blogs this time. :-). I don't know if I even have 10 food blogs on my reader yet, so I'm taking nominations. If you'd like to give me some suggestions about food blogs you think are EXCELLENT, that would be great, not only to help me out in giving this award, but to let me discover some new EXCELLENT bloggers. :-) Thanks to all of you and a great big thank you to The Empty Nest for this latest and most EXCELLENT award!
Wishing all of you an EXCELLENT day!!


  1. Joy, you deserve that EXCELLENT award.

    I did a post on SPAM, does that qualify me as a foodie?

  2. Woohoo! Congratulations on your new award! Scrumptious Sunday's theme is soups. Hope you can make it-it's not a dessert though-hehe...unless you gotta dessert soup-hhhhmmmmm.

  3. You are blessed and you deserve them all...visiting you is so refreshing :o) I've added you as a link in my sidebar :o)

  4. Thank you, all. Thanks for the sidebar link, Beloved Mama.


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