
Saturday, April 12, 2008

An Excellent Month Deserves A Celebration!

Just as this blog turned one month old, I was given another award. Grace of Grace Today has been a regular reader and encouraging commenter for this blog since I first started Joy Of Desserts, and she has awarded me An E For Excellent Blog Award. Thank you so much Grace! It feels so wonderful to see that my dessert blog is liked and appreciated.

I have had a wonderful first month with lots of readers and great, kind, even educational comments. It's a pleasure to write this blog and share with all of you some of my food experiences and my dessert recipes, tips and trivia. I am so thankful for all of you dear readers, your visits, your comments, your numerous links and your awards! I'm up to four awards now and I'm on cloud nine with this totally unexpected response. Thank you to all and thank you Grace!

In celebration of this award and my first month anniversary, I'm sharing with you seven wonderful bloggers who have been a blessing to me:

  • Twinkle Mom: has a knack for writing comments which warm my heart; She likes Bible study, archeology, scrapbooking, reading, travel, baking, cooking, family, fishing, and pets. She writes a religious blog named Sunflower Faith;
  • Lana G: shows us gorgeous photography; Like me she participates in Word-Filled Wednesday and her entries are awesome; Her blog is named Above The Clouds because living in Washington, but working in California puts her in airplanes twice a week.
  • Ellen B: is Lana's sister and also does excellent photography. She is a wonderful hostess and it shows in her photos of her table settings and parties. If you are like us and love tea, be sure to look for her series of posts on teacups and everything tea as she participates in the Gracious Hospital-i-tea Blog-a-thon. She named her blog The Happy Wonderer because she is happy and wonders a lot. She wAnders a lot too and has all the pictures to prove it.
  • Amy Deanne: hosts Word-Filled Wednesday at The 160 Acre Woods. Word-Filled Wednesday has been a real blessing for me. I have enjoyed creating these images with a Bible verse and I have enjoyed visiting the other participants. All have their own unique way of doing it and it is a beautiful trip through the Internet as I click from one to the other. Amy Deanne is a very nice person, encouraging and a good "bloggy" friend.
  • Amy: is a Christian mother of 3 boys who gives us tips, techniques, tutorials, and free blog templates at Split Decisionz. Grace recently told me about Amy's site and I immediately felt like a kid in a candy store as I was reading through some of the easy little things I can do to improve my blog's appearance. She also provides custom templates and services for a small fee.
  • Mrs. Brownstone: is mother to Tornado and Twister and an XBox Wife. She is funny and insightful. I found Mrs. Brownstone last September when she posted her first Works For Me Wednesday post, but later lost track of her because at the time I had no blog reader, no blogroll and no good way of keeping track of blogs I liked. I was so glad when she happened to find my Joy Of Desserts blog a few weeks ago and started leaving comments. She hosts Ten Things Tuesday.
  • Kathryn: has been my friend in real life for more than 12 years. She started out as my neighbor when we visited the model home at the same time and filled out our purchase papers at the same time. We're unfortunately not neighbors anymore, but as the saying goes, the road to a friend's house is never far. She writes about her three Chihuahuas at 4urpets and has just started a new blog called The Empty Nest. Her friendship, humor and wisdom have been a blessing to me all these years and now I can look forward to a dose of laughter each time I visit her blogs.
My thanks to all of you for your Excellent blogs.

Here are the rules to the award:
  • Find at least 10 more blogs of any kind which you deem to be excellent;
  • Post about which blogs you picked, linking to me and to them;
  • Once you've posted, return here to let me know your post is up, and of course let your 10 award winners know too.

That's all there is to it, but we each get to make ten more people happy and we all get to discover some EXCELLENT blogs. If this is your first time at Joy Of Desserts, please have a look around and make yourself comfortable. This is a fun blog all about desserts. I hope you will all return often.


  1. Thank you so much. Your comments are so kind and I appreciate your thoughtfulness. I don't think I realized you have only been blogging for a month. Hope you are enjoying it. Blessings...

  2. aww thanks! lol and my food blog isn't as exciting as yours, but I thought I'd give it a go!

  3. This is such a fun blog!! I love the idea and the fact that you are weaving God's word into one of my favorite parts of life: dessert! : )

  4. Thank you, Ellen, Amy and Kristen.
    Yes, it has only been one month on this blog and I am so enjoying it!

  5. Ok, when we all get to heaven I'm asking for you to live on my block so I can try your stuff again and again....
    Thanks for all the wonderful posts.

  6. LOl..sorry for just now dragging in! Thank you so much Joy!
    Your site is literally a joy (and feast) for the eyes and I'm so so blessed at getting to know you!

    Your site deserve this award and it's always a pleasure (when I actually get time) to be able to come by and find myself drooling! LOL

  7. Oh my goodness! I am so shocked. Thanks for thinking of me and I too am surprised that you have only been blogging a month!

    Honored and humbled - thanks again!

  8. Thank you so much! What an honor! I appreciate your kind words!

    It will take me a bit to get back to you with the ten. I've been sick this week ~ not doing much blogging and virtually no blog reading!

    I'm excited to hear of this Word-Filled Wednesday! Just thought I'd add that I, too, am a Christian! And one additional thing, I host "Ten Things Tuesday"! :) I hope you'll come join in each week!!! We are all counting our blessings!

    (I do believe there is another carnival called "Ten On Tuesday", but it's not mine. Easy to confuse, though! I just don't want to step on the toes of whoever hosts the other!)

  9. Grace: And I'm guessing that in Heaven, calories won't count! :-)

    Mrs. Brownstone: I made the change regarding Ten Things Tuesday. My apologies for not getting the name right the first time. That sounds like a very tough one to do. Thank you for the invitation. I will look through what others have done as a first baby step. I will try it later as a second baby step. :-) That was a very wise teacher. You were lucky to have him. I do hope you'll join the rest of us for Word-Filled Wednesday.

    Everyone: Thank you. I too am honored and humbled by all of you. It truly is a pleasure to blog, and I am so happy to "meet" so many friendly people in the process.


  10. Thank you again SO much for this award..I'm truly shocked and honored!

    I have my post up and wow...amazing what a little coffee in the system can do to a person...

    Hmm...Think I'm going to go climb a few walls now...maybe 3 cups was a little too much.

  11. Hello I'm Tartasacher and wish to come to my blog. I have a award for you. Please come from this night or tomorrow. Thank you. I wait for you. Your blog is veery, very wonderful.

  12. Thank you, Twinkle Mom and Tartasacher! You are both great. Tartasacher, your 1000 Desserts are delicious!


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