
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Every Good Tree Bears Good Fruit

That verse is so true, that I just had to share it. Matthew says it several times and so does Luke. The people I have met through life have proven this verse to me time and again.

For more participants in Word-Filled Wednesday, visit Amy at The 160 Acre Woods.


  1. I try hard not to think about bad fruit! But it's so true.. I'm praying for God to help my roots grow deep and my branches strong in his presence!!

  2. I love this verse and the picture. What a reminder that in Christ we are to bear good fruits for His glory! May God do that deep work in us and use us for His glory. Thanks for sharing. God bless!

  3. I want to be a good tree with good fruit!

  4. I think is really true Joy!!!But I think God help us to be a good tree! xxGloria

  5. Bonjour Joy.

    Le poème est si beau et tes desserts tellement extraordinaires. J'aime bien les crèpes. Je les fait beaucoup des fois bien comme dessert avec des produits sucrés ou de la fruit et autres fois comme plat principal avec des aliments non sucrés, par example de la sauce bechamel avec du poulet, du fromage, du jambon, des crevettes, des champignons. Les crepes sont un monde pour bien decouvrir. Sous la forme de sachet ou aummonières ils restent très beaux. Merci beaucoup ma chèrie et à bientôt

  6. Glad you enjoyed the photo! I actually got to hold little "James" and his siblings at 8 weeks. Of course, Max was quite jealous when I got home...

  7. This is so SO mindful particularly in these days and times and something I pray to Our Heavenly Father that I keep humble in my own walk and bear in mine that my actions is just as much a testimony to Our Heavenly Father as my words and can just as easily lead someone from the Lord as bring them to the Lord or want to know the Lord.


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