
Saturday, March 29, 2008

I'm It! Here's My Six-Word Memoir.

Grace of Grace Today tagged me so I'm it and I'm running after you!

This is the very first tag on Joy Of Desserts. Thank you so much Grace! Thank you for also adding me to your blogroll. :-) I so appreciate being on blogrolls and being tagged.

Grace invites you to her blog, saying, “My eyes view the world just a little bit differently. Let's see what we can smile about or ponder while we enjoy our coffee...”

Now here's the official guidelines to the bloggy tag:

  • Write your own six-word memoir;
  • Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like;
  • Link to the person who tagged you in your post;
  • Tag five more blogs with links;
  • Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.


* Happy *

* Christian *

* Wife *

* Mother *

* Writer *

* Artist *

Here are my five tags. You’re it! I know some people don’t like tags, but I hope you all know why you should appreciate being tagged and should want to be tagged often! ;-)

4urpets: Kathy is my friend in real life and she writes a humorous blog about her three Chihuahuas’ antics;

The Empty Nest: My friend Kathy, whom I’ve known for more than 12 years, is starting a new blog about her own life. It promises to be just as funny as her pet blog;

Tad Cronn: Tad has a serious news blog so he might not participate in tagging, but I highly recommend that you read his blog regularly whether you are a Republican, a Democrat, or somewhere in between. Tad is an Editor who speaks out about the news that doesn’t get printed in most of today’s liberal media.

Mrs. W’s Kitchen: I’ve just “met” Mrs. W. through this blog. She is also a foodie blogger. She is from New York and you might enjoy reading her recipes too.

The Journey Back: This Christian blogger loves animals, quilting and sewing, children and teens. She has a varied blog and you must check out the photo of this unbelievable rabbit.


  1. How neat. I have never been tagged before. I have to think about this memoir thing. But I did want to say thanks and I'll be back later after church. BTW the best part of a meal out is the dessert. My daughter and I always look at the dessert menu to base what we order on it. Can't order too much food and miss dessert! Thanks again for visiting and the so sweet things you said on your post. I'll play just need to ponder it first!Blessings, Sherry

  2. Joy - You're really sweet!!
    Get it! Sweet!!

  3. Found you through Mercedes and am adding you to my blogroll. YUMMY blog!

  4. Hi! I just did this on my blog not too long ago! It's February 2008, and it's called "My Six Word Life".

    I'm anxious to check out some of the links you provided in this!

  5. Journey: You're welcome! You offer a great suggestion to read the dessert menu FIRST. It is so disappointing :-( when we have eaten too much and must skip dessert.

    Grace, Gina & Mrs. B.: Thank you.

    Gina: Mercedes is a regular commenter here. :-) I'm glad you found me.

  6. Love your blog! you are welcome to mine when you like!! I expect to respon the Tago that Mrs.W send me tomorrow, Today I was crazy!xxxxGloria

  7. Hi Joy,

    Come by my blog at The Empty Nest. I have something for you!

  8. I love seeing "happy" as your first description...makes me smile:o)


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